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Showing posts from November, 2012


Last night thousands of Nigerians stayed awake not to watch the World Cup as they did in 1994. No they were awake in wait of the presidential elections in the United States of America. It was that important or fascinating to them. The American presidential elections are an interest to worldwide audiences and serve as a role model to emerging democracies. The United States however, are not the originators of the democratic practice. Democracy or government of the people for the people by the people began in Greece. The Greek city states of yore took it upon themselves to take their destinies in their own hands. They would not leave it in the hands of any other without their permission. And so they began meeting each man speaking his own words on issues bothering the common good. It is not without flaws or devoid of weaknesses but to quote Winston Churchill, “ is the best damn thing on the block.” With time, democracy has evolved from an era where a community of no more ...