Not long ago, a young boy in Otueke in southern Nigeria went to school without shoes. He also read his books on a kerosene lantern and sometimes from a candle's illumination. However, his fortunes changed for he has become Nigeria's president. What a tale of transformation. Dr. Goodluck Jonathan at his campaign spoke long and hard about his travails of going bare-foot to school and believed his tale was inspiring to young Nigerians. Young Nigerians today are however disappointed in their employee, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan's refusal to show them how many shoes he now has in his shoe rack has become a reason many of them have vowed to go bare foot to the next occupy Nigeria movement. The president argued in his media chat with the nation's most conservative news station the NTA, that it was against his ‘personal beliefs and principle’ to disclose to his employers how many shoes he currently possesses. We would like to know how many shoes are in the president's...
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