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Best King of Westeros

I saw a post on Facebook with the question: If given the opportunity, who would have been the best ruler of the seven kingdoms? A simple answer could not cut it for me, I got tempted to write.

Lord Eddard Stark. The father of Rob, Sansa, Brandon, Arya and Rickon Stark was a just and noble man. He teaches his children to be same. He was quite valiant in battle. Honour is the word that best describes him. However, his honour was also his weakness. He could not deal decisively with Cersei when he had the chance offering them an "honourable chance to get away". Of course that was his undoing. Cersei would later go on to say: This is the game of thrones, you either win or die. Verdict: A decent honourable king but unable to make hard decisions.

Stannis Baratheon. Hated by his brothers Robert and Renly respectively but determined nonetheless. Stannis' claim to the throne was based on Ned Stark's discovery of Lannister incest. His desperation led him to the battle of Blackwater bay where despite turning a bad start to advantage went on to loose. He gave away his power to a sorceress who caused him to sacrifice in error his daughter.
Verdict: A strong but tactless king.

Renly: His only claim to the throne was: no one likes Stannis. He was a faggot and weak leader of men. He could not move for the common good. Died by the mystical shadow assassin.
Verdict: A selfish and foolish king.

Viserys Targeryan: An ambitious and tactless brute who wanted the throne and nothing else. He would sell his sister to a barbarian horde without research and then get desperate to enforce an uncertain contract.
Verdict: An ambitious, power drunk and foolish king.

Aemon Targeryan: Maester Aemon was in line to the throne. But he chose to go to the wall as a maester. His wisdom was instructive to shape the career of Jon Snow. He once instructed Jon to kill the boy and let the man be born.
Verdict: A selfless and wise king.

Rob Stark: Rob had a lot of graces. He was good looking, he was strong, a good military tactician and brave. But he made two mistakes, marrying at the wrong time and most importantly killing an important banner man at the wrong time.
Verdict: An honourable and strong king with tendencies for rash decisions.

Mance Rayder: This guy is quite remarkable for a wildling king. He was able to unite over 90 different wildling tribes and but led them to fight the wrong enemy. Perhaps there was no other way to negotiate with the Night's Watch.
Verdict: Capable, visionary and pragmatic.

Khal Drogo: Drogo, khal of khals was quite strong for a man. He is not so developed on the TV show to give much insight as to his character but it is clear he would not tolerate nonsense or slurs one of which led to a needless altercation that wounded him and of course led to his eventual untimely death. He seemed unwilling to cross the Narrow Sea.
Verdict: Strong and stickler for culture king.

Tywin Lannister:
Tywin is the most educated, richest and quite simply the most astute politician in Westeros in his day. A skilled negotiator, insightful and a capable commander of men. However, he could not find love for his smartest son because of his dwarfism nor could he despite knowing so much about the world discern the stench under his nose.
Verdict: Elitist with pragmatic values.

Overall, maester Aemon gets my vote not because he was a strong commander of men in battle but because he was wise, educated and quite capable of making smart yet difficult decisions.
Next would be Mance Rayder for his singular ability to unite many warring wild-lings and lead them successuflly to the edge of the wall is a feat none south of the wall could have accomplished.


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