Retire These Bunch
If it doesn't disturb you that we have consciously allowed the same few people to control policy since 1960, then please wake up. If you think they are from one ethnic group or religion, you also need to repent from racism/bigotry. They are just a few men, about 80 of them from various ethnic groups and religious divide known as the Lannisters of Aso Rock. 80 people determining the future of 180 million since 1960. This is unacceptable.
Musicians, Artists, Sportsmen, Entertainers usually dominate for no more than 15 years before bowing out or handing over to the next generation except the really fantastic ones. The Lannisters of Aso Rock are neither fantastic nor exceptional. They talk more than Tyrion without his wit, havng the loyalty of Peter Baelish, the cruelty of Ramsay Bolton and the wickedness of Cersei Lannister. They take turns to accuse "corruption" while they are the usurpers of our rights and profiteers of the system they created.
The time is up on the Lannisters of Aso Rock. They have refused to pay their debts and refused to allow the "prince that was promised" to reign. It is time for young Nigerians to reject the title "leaders of tomorrow" and become leaders of now. A generational shift is required for progress today. We must reject the suffocating drug of gradualism.
Get registered to vote as soon as the polls open. Stay informed and learn objectivity. The biggest issues going into 2019 are: the federal question and the economy. People who created our current problem certainly have no part in the future they are ruining for us. We must not act like Stannis and Renly Baratheon fighting each other nor make the mistake of Rob trusting an "old man and ally" of the Lannisters of Aso Rock to be "reasonable".
To be clear: any candidate running for any office over the age of 45 should just forget our votes. Any willing candidate that meets the age mark must also be educated and willing to attend all debates. Court registers should watch out for Buhari and Atiku, they are on their way to change their ages in order to play the under 50 tournament of 2019. This is no joke. Please share, we must take Nigeria from their hands and build up better institutions.